College of Education > Student Resources > Field Experience & Student Teaching > Field Experience > Field Experience Hours

Field Experience Hours By Program

​​​​The following provides information on the education programs with courses requiring field experience hours. Courses listed will have the number of hours and the level of experience (I or II) located in the right column.

The courses in each program appearing in bold are the designated formal evaluation points. Faculty teaching all sections of these courses must enter evaluations of student performance online (through FEDS). 

Undergraduate Programs

ECE 280 Internship for Infants and Toddlers 35 hours/II
ECE 381 Internship in Preschool Settings 35 hours/II
ECE 382 Internship in Primary Settings 35 hours/II
EE 324 Emerging Reading/Language Arts Methods K-3rd 20 hours/II
Total:   125 hours
SER 346 Strategies for Mainstreaming and Inclusion 10 hours/I
EE 281 Introduction to Educational Practice 15 hours/I
EE 317 Physical Education and Classroom Management in the Elementary School 15 hours/II
EE 324 Reading/Language Arts in the Early Years 15 hours/II
EE 326 Reading/Language Arts in the Intermediate Years 15 hours/II
EE 333 Teaching and Learning Elementary School Mathematics 15hours/II
EE 334 Elementary Science Inquiry Teaching Strategies 15 hours/II
EE 344 Art and Music in the Elementary School 10 hours/I
EE 355 Methods: Contemporary Teaching of Social Studies 15 hours/II
Total:   125 hours

PE 311 Motor Development Across the Lifespan 10 hours/II
PE 341 Historical & Philosophical Foundation of PE, Sports & Fitness 10 hours/I
PE 346 Organization & Administration of PE 5 hours/I
PE 360 Ed Psy & Meas of Learning in PE, Sport & Fitness 10 hours/I
PE 362 Fitness Testing Measurement & Prescription 15 hours/II
PE 374 Adapted Physical Education 15 hours/I
PE 390 Psychosocial Aspects of Exercise and Sport 5 hours/I
PE 393 Exercise Modalities 5 hours/I
PE 380 Pre-requirement for Internship 30 hours/II
(10 at 3 sites)
Total:   105 hours
MGE 311 Supervised field experience (1 CH) 25-30 hours/I
MGE 331 Supervised field experience (1 CH) 25-30 hours/I
MGE 361 Supervised field experience (1 CH) 25-30 hours/II
MGE 381 Supervised field experience (1 CH) 25-30 hours/II
MGE 390  Student Teaching (6 CH)  
Total:   100-120 hours

SCU 336/ SCU 337/
TCH 303
Human Growth and Development
Conceptions of Healthy Adolescence
SCU 207 Social and Historical Issues in Education  
SER 346 Strategies for Mainstreaming and Inclusion 10 hours/I
SEC 364/TCH 302 Introduction to Middle Grades and Secondary Education 25 hours/I
SEC/TCH 325 Literacy in the Content Areas (all secondary majors)  
BBE 301 Teaching Adolescent English Language Learners and Dialect Speakers Across the Curriculum  
SEC/TCH 311, 312, 313, OR 314 The Nature of English, History and Social Sciences, Mathematics, OR the Sciences  
SEC/TCH 321, 322, 323, OR 324  Inquiry & Application in Developing Pedagogy  
SEC/TCH 371, 372, 373, OR 374 Teaching in the Middle Grades and High School 1 25 hours/II
SEC/TCH 381, 382, 383, OR 385 Teaching in the Middle Grades and High School 2 25 hours/II
SEC/TCH 395 Assessment Practices in the Middle Grades and Secondary Education  
TCH 380 The Teacher as Professional  
Total:   85 hours
PE 311 Motor Development Across the Lifespan 10 hours/II
PE 325 Language and Literacy in Physical Activity Settings 10 hours/II
PE 341 Historical & Philosophical Foundation of PE, Sports & Fitness 10 hours/I
PE 346 Organization & Administration of PE 5 hours/I
PE 360 Ed Psy & Measurement of Learning in PE, Sports & Fitness 10 hours/I
PE 374 Adapted Physical Education 15 hours/I
PE 390 Psychosocial Aspects of Exercise and Sport 5 hours/I
PE 317 PE & Classroom Mgt in the Elementary Schools 20 hours/II
PE 372 Curriculum & Instruction in Secondary Schools Methods 20 hours/II
Total:   105 hours

SER 311 Teaching Mathematics Field Experience Lab 20 hours/II
SER 314 Teaching Literacy to Exceptional Students 10 hours/I
SER 315 Teaching Literacy Field Experience Lab 20 hours/II
SER 323 Teaching Students w. Significant Disabilities: Communication & Social Skills 10 hours/I
SER 324
Practicum I: Inclusion Setting 30 hours/II
SER 327 Practicum II: Self-Contained Setting 40 hours/II
SER 383 Student Teaching Seminar 30 hours/II
Total:   160 hours

SCU 207 Social and Historical Issues in Education  
SCU 337 Human Growth and Development  
SCU 338
or 339
The Process and Evaluation of Learning/Phil. and
Psych. of Youth/Middle Level Education
EE 281 Introduction to Education Practice 20 hours/I
BBE 307 Equity Issues in Assessment of Language Learners 17 hours
WLE 326 Theoretical Foundations of ESL/WLE  
WLE 349 Standard and Content-Based Methods of Teaching
World Languages
17 hours/I
WLE 360 Second, World, and Heritage Language Acquisition 17 hours/II
WLE 370 Second & World Language Literacies and Cultures 17 hours/I
WLE 375 History, Policy, and Curriculum Development 17 hours/I
SEC 364 Curriculum and Instruction in Secondary Schools 25 hours/II
SER 346 Strategies for Mainstreaming and Inclusion 10-15 hours/I
Total:   140-145 hours

BBE 310 Special Topics in Language Education and Culture 17 hours
BBE 304 Language. Literacy and Culture 17 hours
BBE 307 Equity Issues in Assessment of Language Learners 17 hours
BBE 325 Biliteracy Practices in Bilingual Education and ESL 17 hours
BBE 366 First and Second Language Acquisition 17 hours
BBE 324 Methods of Teaching ESL 17 hours
Total:   100 hours

Graduate Programs

SCG 408 Education and Society  
SCG 439 Philosophy and Psychology of Middle Level Education  
BBE 402 Bilingual-Bicultural Program Design and  Curriculum Development  
BBE 404 Language, Literacy and Culture 17 hours
BBE 406 Sociocultural & Historical Perspectives in Bilingual Education  
BBE 407 Equity Issues in Assessment of Language Learners 17 hours
BBE 425 Biliteracy Practices in Bilingual Education and ESL 17 hours
BBE 466 First and Second Language Acquisition 17 hours
BBE 510 Special Topics in Language, Education, and Culture 17 hours
BBE 520 Analyzing Research on Identity, Culture & Language Education  
BBE 524 Methods of Teaching ESL 17 hours
BBE 526 Theoretical Foundation of ESL and WLE  
BBE 599 Schoolwide Approaches to Educating ELL  
BBE 589 Thesis Research in BBE (M.A. only)  
Total:   100 hours

Note: To receive an IL state endorsement in ESL and/or bilingual education, students are required by the state of Illinois to complete 100 field experience hours observing or working (for no pay) with PK-12 students under the supervision of licensed and endorsed teachers. For those who have been teaching in an ESL/bilingual education classroom for more than three months, this requirement does not apply. However, these students are required to provide ISBE a letter, on official letter-head, documenting their employment with ELLs. For those who have been teaching in an ESL/bilingual education classroom for more than three months, six BBE courses require a total of 30 field experience hours (required to earn the degree), and no more hours are required. Students who have not been teaching in an ESL/bilingual education classroom for more than three months must complete six BBE courses requiring a total of 100 field experience hours.

Counseling students are required to complete professional practice courses including a practicum and a two-quarter internship in counseling. More information can be found here.

SCG 404 Human Development: The Early Years 35 hours/I
T&L 481 Internship in Preschool Settings 35 hours/II
T&L 482 Internship in Primary Settings 35 hours/II
Total:   105 hours
Course 1 Course 2 Required Field Lab Hours
SCG 403 Human Development and Learning: Elementary T&L 404 Introduction to Elementary Education T&L 583 24 hours/I
SER 446 Psychology & Education of the Exceptional Child T&L 412 Emerging Reading and Language Arts T&L 583 24 hours/II
T&L 415 Teaching and Learning Elementary School Science T&L 416 Teaching and Learning Elementary School Mathematics T&L 583 or T&L 584 24 hours/II
T&L 413 Reading/Language Arts in the Intermediate Grades T&L 419 Curriculum and Strategies: Social Studies T&L 583 or T&L 584 24 hours/II
T&L 418 Learning Through the Arts     10 hours/I
Total 106 hours


  • Most students take T&L 418 in their first or second quarter. You will work with your instructor and the staff in the Office of Community Partnerships & Student Internships (CPSI) to identify a school site where you can complete 10 hours of field experiences.
  • Take T&L 584 in the quarter prior to student teaching. You will schedule 24 field experience hours at your student teaching site and participate in an online course.
  • In the rare case where a student is only taking one course per quarter, the student will complete the field experience lab in one quarter and complete 15 field experience hours in the other. For example, a student taking T&L 412 in the fall might take T&L 583. When the same student takes T&L 413 in the winter, he or she would need to work with the instructor and the Office of Community Partnerships & Student Internships (CPSI) to identify a site to complete 15 hours of field experiences.
MGE 411 Supervised field experience (1 CH) 25-30 hours/I
MGE 431 Supervised field experience (1 CH) 25-30 hours/I
MGE 461 Supervised field experience (1 CH) 25-30 hours/II
MGE 481 Supervised field experience (1 CH) 25-30 hours/II
MGE 490 Student Teaching (6CH)  
Total:   100-200 hours
SCG 406/ TCH 403 Human Development and Learning
Conceptions of Healthy Adolescence
SER 446  Psychology and Education of the Exceptional Child 15 hours/I
TL 425/TCH 401/ TCH 402 Introduction to Middle Grades and Secondary Education 25 hours/I
TCH 411, 412, 413, OR 414  (Combined BA/MEd TEACH program only) The Nature of English, History and Social Sciences, Mathematics, OR the Sciences  
TCH 421, 422, 423, OR 424 (Combined BA/MEd TEACH program only) Inquiry & Application in Developing Pedagogy  
TCH 525 Reading, Writing, & Communication Across the Curriculum
(all secondary majors)
TCH 471, 472,
473, OR 474
Teaching in the Middle Grades and High School 1 25 hours/II
BBE 501 Teaching Adolescent English Language Learners and Dialect Speakers Across the Curriculum  
TCH 495 Assessment Practices in the Middle Grades and Secondary Education  
TL 525/TCH 525 Reading, Writing, and Communicating across the Curriculum  
TCH 481, 482, 483, OR 484 Teaching in the Middle Grades and High School 2 25 hours/II
TCH 480 The Teacher as Professional  
Total:   90 hours

The field experience hour requirements for the Special Education (MEd) vary by concentration.

Pre-Service Special Education

*Please note that additional field experience hours may be required by other courses in the program at the instructor's discretion

SER 417 Practicum in Special Education II (Corresponding courses: SER 440, SER 421 and SER 402) 30 hours/II
SER 418 Practicum in Special Educaiton I (Corresponding course: SER 403, SER 409, SER 410) 30 hours/II
SER 419 Teaching Literacy Lab 30 hours/II
Total:   90 hours

Special and Elementary Education (SEE)

SER 442 Survey of Exceptional Learners: Psychology and Education 15 hours/I
SER 402 Instruction and Differentiation in Special Education 15 hours/I
SER 403 Classroom and Behavior Management in Special Education 15 hours/II
SER 405 Teaching Literacy to Exceptional Learners 14 hours/II
SER 409 Teaching Students with Significant Disabilities 15 hours/II
SER 410 Teaching Math to Exceptional Learners 15 hours/II
SER 416 Literacy Practicum in Education 6 hours/II
SER 421 Formal Assessment in Special Education 15 hour/I
SER 461 Collaborative Practice and Special Education 15 hours/I
T&L 409 Professional Practice in Elementary Schools 15 hours/I
T&L 413 Reading/Language Arts in the Middle Grades 15 hours/II
T&L 415 Teaching and Learning Elementary School Science 15 hours/II
T&L 416 Teaching and Learning Elementary School Math 15 hour/II
T&L 418 Teaching in the Arts 15 hours/I
Total:   200 hours

Special Education for Teachers (SET)

SER 440 Survey of Exceptional Learners: Psychology and Education 10 hours/I
SER 402 Instruction and Differentiation in Special Education 10 hours/I
SER 403 Classroom and Behavior Management in Special Education 10 hours/II>
SER 405 Teaching Literacy to Exceptional Learners 10 hours/II
SER 409 Teaching Students with Significant Disabilities 10 hours/II
SER 410 Teaching Math to Exceptional Learners 10 hours/II
SER 421 Formal Assessment in Special Education 10 hours/II
SER 552 Practicum Experience with High Incidence Disabilities I 6 weeks of full-time summer experience in lieu of student teaching/I
SER 553 Collaborative Practice and Special Education 6 weeks of full-time summer experience in lieu of student teaching/I

*Because students in the SET program are already licensed teachers, they can complete their field experience hours in their own classroomas on non-compensated time.
*Students are placed by DePaul in their practicum sites.

SCG 406 Human Growth and Development  
SCG 408 Education and Society  
BBE 407 Equity Issues in Assessment of Language Learners 17 hours
T&L 404 Introduction to Elementary Education 15 hours/I
BBE 526 Theoretical Foundations of ESL/WLE  
T&L 449 Standard and Content-Based Methods of Teaching World Languages 15 hours/I
BBE 560 Second, World, and Heritage Language Acquisition 17 hours/II
BBE 570 Second & World Language Literacies and Cultures 17 hours/I
T&L 575 History, Policy, and Curriculum Development 15 hours/I
T&L 425 Curriculum and Instruction in Secondary Education 20-25 hours/I
SER 446 Strategies for Mainstreaming and Inclusion 15 hours/I
Total:   130-140 hours

Endorsement Only

BBE 510 Special Topics in Language Education and Culture 17 hours
BBE 404 Language, Literacy and Culture 17 hours
BBE 406 Sociocultural & Historical Perspectives in Bilingual Education  
BBE 407 Equity Issues in Assessment of Language Learners 17 hours
BBE 425 Biliteracy Practices in Bilingual Education and ESL 17 hours
BBE 466 First and Second Language Acquisition 17 hours
BBE 524 Methods of Teaching ESL 17 hours


100 hours

BBE 510 Special Topics in Language Education and Culture 17 hours
BBE 404 Language, Literacy and Culture 17 hours
BBE 407 Equity Issues in Assessment of Language Learners 17 hours
BBE 425 Biliteracy Practices in Bilingual Education and ESL 17 hours
BBE 466 First and Second Language Acquisition 17 hours
BBE 524 Methods of Teaching ESL  17 hours
BBE 526 Theoretical Foundations of Teaching ESL and WLE  


100 hours

SER 440 Survey Exceptional Learners: Psychology and Education 10 hours
SER 402 Instruction and Differentiation in Special Education 10 hours
SER 409 Teaching Students with Significant Disabilities 10 hours
SER 421 Formal Assessment in Special Education 10 hours


40 hours

* Because students in the SET program are already licensed teachers, they an complete their field experience hours in their own classrooms on non-compensated time.