College of Education > About > Mission and History

Our Mission and History


The university’s history of educating teachers goes back to 1911, when a Department of Education was founded in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. In 1962, a separate school​ was founded to better address the needs and preparation of educators in training. In 2022, we marked the 60th anniversary of DePaul’s College of Education.

College of Education Mission

The mission of DePaul University’s College of Education is to prepare educators, counselors, and leaders who are committed to creating equitable, compassionate, intellectually rich ​and socially just environments. As part of a Vincentian university, we cultivate the social conscience, understandings, and practices necessary to address social inequities among and wi​th individuals, communities, and institutions. We develop critical, creative practitioners and scholars who continually inquire and reflect on educational and professional practices. Through authentic experiences in and outside the classroom, we educate our students to be engaged, service-oriented citizens of local and global communities.