College of Education > About > Centers & Initiatives > Office of Innovative Professional Learning > Microcredentials


More than ever before, educators are at the forefront of dealing with the academic and societal demands of our "interesting times." From pivoting to online learning in record time to helping their students process the complex themes of race and inequity, many teachers and administrators have found that the tools they have been relying upon are not enough. OIPL has created these microcredentials to assist educators in facing the unknown future of teaching and learning.

Online Teaching Mastery

The need for teachers to be able to teach both face to face and online post COVID-19 requires not only skills of online teaching but a new skill that allows you navigate between online and face to face delivery of instruction. Online teaching mastery provides teachers with the research-driven best practices to design fully online (asynchronous) learning while also delivering face-to-face instruction.

Transitioning to the New Post COVID-19 Classroom

A social emotional learning framework to help teachers and students build positive relationships and navigate the stress of a new way to be in class. Students will need to deal with grief and loss of being home, having safety and comfort, and to a new world of masked teachers. This microcredential series will provide teachers with knowledge, skills, and self-awareness needed to engage in a new modality of teaching which is also uncertain.

Leading Innovation and Success During Uncertainty 

Nearly every facet of principal leadership and operating a building must change as we transition to a new way of schooling post COVID-19 No matter how your district ultimately decides to operate, you can prepare with yourself, your faculty, and your team to deploy best practices for positive, engaging, and unified teaching and learning. This microcredential provides leaders the foundational skills, knowledge, and insights to lead with emotional intelligence and practices to inspire others in the same.

Navigating the Uncertainty with Social Emotional Competency 

During the best of times, teaching is stressful. During the challenging times of a pandemic alongside the systemic violence against black women and men in our country and teaching becomes not only stressful but can also be confusing and increasingly complex. Now, more than ever, it is vital for teachers to have the personal resiliency, innovation, and emotional wellness needed to support their students and develop innovative curriculum. This microcredential will provide educators with the practical tools of social emotional competency to teach in ways that support students during these challenging times.

Antiracist Curriculum and Instruction

For each documented act of racism, there are countless others that go unnoticed by the public. Words spoken, decisions made, opinions formed, and policies enacted accumulate to create the society we have today. And it’s not ok. This microcredential will guide teachers in gaining the insights as to how we can better understand and fight racism in the United States.

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Are you an individual interested in earning a microcredential or are you interested in providing microcredential opportunities for multiple educators in one school?