College of Education > About > Centers & Initiatives > Stockyard Institute > Support

Support Stockyard Institute

“DePaul is a social justice institution, and I think the way that the Stockyard Institute interacts with aspiring teachers, as well as students, is really in the mode of social justice.”

Katie Weitz, PhD (MEd ’99)

Throughout the past quarter of a century, the Stockyard Institute’s reach has expanded to touch communities city-wide that otherwise are too often overlooked by institutions and citizens alike. For those fortunate enough to have crossed paths and collaborated with Jim Duignan, the Stockyard Institute’s influence remains profound.

“[Jim Duignan is] an artist, and he’s active in the community and putting out the goods in some ways. When I say the goods I mean, let’s create. What do you want to make? What does the community want to do? Let me see if I can get it.”

Lavie Raven (EDU ’96)

The Stockyard Institute’s mission is rooted in the invaluable intersections of community, expression, and equality. With a commitment to the unheard voices of Chicago’s many unique and diverse neighborhoods, the Stockyard Institute connects students, artists, and neighbors to ask difficult questions and collaborate to create inspiring a​nswers. If you, too, are moved by the Stockyard Institute’s work and mission, please consider donating to the Institute.

The Stockyard Institute is made possible by the generous support of the Weitz Family Foundation.