College of Education > About > Centers & Initiatives > Stockyard Institute > In Progress

In Progress

While preparing for the upcoming DePaul Art Museum​ retrospective exhibition Stockyard Institute: 25 Years of Art and Radical Pedagogy, Director Jim D​uignan and Stockyard Institute currently are developing widespread partnerships and pursuing ongoing projects. Such projects include studio and pedagogical works across the community; outdoor gardens; and architectural and ecological systems to support groups and spaces already in place and emerging.

TransActions 3
Trans Action Publication

For issue No. 3 of Trans Actions, we ask you speculate on what might be happening in Chicago in 25 years. As part of the Stockyard Institute Retrospective: 25 Years of Art and Radical Pedagogy at the DePaul Art Museum, (September 9, 2021 – February 13, 2022) this printed and online issue of Trans Actions No. 3, will work as a printed prospective for the exhibition. An imaginary and illuminated city guide of our future, forecasting ideas and dreams of what Chicago could be like in 25 years.

School parking lot
Dewey Elementary School Playground

Jim Duignan is currently working with Dewey Elementary School in Back of the Yards to propose a major playground space. The playground has been designed by the Dewey students in conjunction with a Danish company, Kompan. Plans for construction are currently set for next summer.