College of Education > About > Centers & Initiatives > Integrative Knowledge E-Portfolio > IKE Resources

E-Portfolio Resources

Creating a College of Education Integrative Knowledge E-Portfolio (IKE) is multifaceted, combining pedagogical and technological knowledge and skills. Below are resources that faculty can use in their courses or that students can use independently.

Pedagogical Resources

Creating an IKE is a process. Students need to collaborate with others to identify and discuss their most important learning experiences. They also need to decide how those experiences illustrate who they are and the educator they will become, translating those collaborative discussions into a reflective formal account. 

Technological Resources

Students also need technical skills. They need to be able to create visually appealing webpages, select meaningful images and write for the Web. It’s also important to be comfortable with the technology needed to place content online.

Within the College of Education. Digication is the web-based platform used by students in the COE to create IKEs. To learn how to use Digication, check the following resources.

Digication Documentation: A series of “how-to” documents covering the basic functions of Digication.

College of Education Center for Educational Technology (CET): Workshops and 1-1 consultation for COE faculty who are using Digication.

Across the university. Additional written documentation for Digication as well as group training, classroom instruction and 1-to-1 support are available to all faculty and students from various units across the university.

Digication E-Portfolio Documentation and Support. These resources do not address the IKE process, but they do provide additional assistance with the technical aspects of using Digication to create an e-portfolio. 
