Integrative Knowledge E-Portfolio for Students
Knowledge E-Portfolios (IKEs) are places where our students reflect on
their lifelong and life-wide experiences, integrate personal and
professional knowledge, and explore the impact of beliefs and knowledge
on their roles and actions as professional educators and counselors. IKEs are a canvas on which students can
weave together, challenge and showcase their knowledge, values, goals
and professional identities.
Pilot Initiative
Beginning in spring 2009, the Center for Educational Technology and COE
launched the first stages of the IKE Pilot Project which involved
working with a small number of students in workshop and advising
contexts. Since that time, coordinators Liliana Barro Zecker and
Katie Van Sluys, in collaboration with Calley O'Neil, Sarah Brown and Chris Worthman, have worked to expand integrated use of IKEs within
COE programs. Currently, seven College of Education programs are at
various stages of IKE integration. Students involved with IKE
initiatives in their program are using an e-portfolio platform,
Digication, as a learning tool to engage in critical reflection, connect
experiences across their program and articulate professional
Watch the video below that highlights student feedback.