College of Education > Admission & Aid > Graduate Admission > Admission Requirements > Superintendent Endorsement Interview Process

Guidelines for Superintendent Endorsement Interview Process

​​Thank you for applying to DePaul's Superintendent Licensure program. Our committee has completed a very thorough review of your application materials and believes your credentials demonstrate academic promise. We would like to invite you to participate in the next phase of the application process, which involves a required on-campus interview.

To schedule an interview, please contact the Office of Graduate Admissions at (773) 325-4405 or by emai​l

Prior to your interview date, you will be required to submit a portfolio. Once the admission office receives your portfolio, you will receive an email that acknowledges receipt. If your portfolio is not received by your scheduled interview date, the interview will be cancelled.

You should be prepared to complete an on-site writing exercise that addresses a topic in education during the interview.

Portfolio Requirements

Each candidate must meet the following minimum portfolio requirements below.

The admissions portfolio must include but is not limited to:

  1. Support of all students in the classroom to achieve high standards of learning;
  2. Significant leadership roles in the school (e.g., curriculum, assessment or instructional development, school management or budgeting, evaluation of staff, mentoring);
  3. Strong oral and written communication skills;
  4. Analytic abilities needed to collect and analyze data for school and district improvement;
  5. Strong interpersonal skills; and
  6. Strong demonstrated leadership skills and abilities

Evidence to meet the above areas can include (but is not limited to) any of the following:

  1. Evaluations of the candidate’s administrative abilities from supervisors that attest to school and district improvement;
  2. Evidence of leadership roles held and descriptions of the impact the candidate has had on the classroom, school or district, or the constituents served;
  3. An analysis of school or district data (e.g., student scores) that describes how the data is used to inform instructional planning and implementation, including an explanation of what standards were addressed, the academic achievement or school improvement outcomes, and steps taken when expected outcomes did not occur;
  4. Information about the candidate’s work with families and/or community groups and a description of how this work affected school or district operations, policies and procedures;
  5. Examples of candidate’s analytical abilities as evidenced by a description of how he or she used the results from student assessments to improve student learning; and
  6. Evidence of curriculum development, student assessments or other initiatives that resulted from the candidate’s involvement with school committees.

(Per 23 Illinois Administrative Code, Part 33, Section 33.60 (c)(1-6))

Directions for Submitting a Portfolio

Please note, a portfolio must be submitted before the interview date. If your portfolio is not received by your scheduled interview date, the interview will be cancelled.

Portfolios may be submitted via email to or postal mail to the following address:
Office of Graduate Admissions
DePaul University
2400 North Sheffield Avenue
Chicago, IL 60614-2215​

Candidate Selection

Candidates will be asked to make a 10-15 minute presentation with the slides to provide the selection committee with a picture of their professional identity as well as their success as a school leader. Presentations should include an overview of their educational background and professional experiences, their successes as a school leader with documentation, evidence of their leadership position, and a reflection about their goals and plans for the future.

Interview Required

An interview with two or three faculty will provide an opportunity for candidates to become familiar with the program and the faculty, as well as an opportunity for faculty members to get to know prospective candidates. This will also provide faculty with the opportunity to review the candidate’s admission portfolio and ask questions where appropriate.
