College of Education > Academics > Teacher Education, Kinesiology and Educational Studies > Undergraduate > Exercise Science (BS) > College Core Requirements

College Core Requirements

College Core Requirements  


The academic programs within the College of Education have set forth these dispositions as educational and professional expectations for all students. Students should be aware that failing to abide by DePaul University or College of Education policies including, under certain circumstances, these dispositions, could result in adverse consequences for the student, including removal from his or her program, the College of Education, or the University.

The following dispositions apply to Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, Exercise Science, Middle Grades, Physical Education, Secondary Education, and World Language Education majors only:

  • Reflects on progress and identifies strengths and weaknesses, including evaluating strategies for success, finding alternatives for inappropriate strategies, and modifying future practices
  • Is receptive to faculty feedback and acts meaningfully and professionally upon suggestions
  • Values critical thinking, including engaging theoretical and philosophical frameworks and shows evidence of critical thinking through discussion and writing (e.g., journals, response to prompts)
  • Understands the importance of and is committed to communicating clearly orally and in writing both in traditional and in new and emerging digital formats
  • Values and is committed to continually developing strong content area knowledge and/or knowledge of the professional field, including pedagogical content knowledge
  • Takes initiative, uses imagination and creativity, and seeks out information using a variety of human and material resources and technology to inform his or her teaching
  • Is aware of the role of classroom environment and uses management procedures that reflect respect and care for learners and concern for their emotional and physical well being
  • Takes the time and effort needed to understand how students learn, including discovering their interests and experiences and determining how to shape teaching acts (using technology as appropriate) that engage learners meaningfully and actively
  • Values and is committed to using assessment to evaluate and ensure the continuous intellectual, social, emotional, and physical development of the learner
  • Respects and considers cultural contexts in order to determine how to be responsive to learners and to proactively promote all students' learning
  • Values and is responsive to diverse learners' academic, emotional, and social needs through teaching acts (including careful instructional planning, implementation, and differentiation) and through everyday interactions with students
  • Is committed to collaboration with colleagues, families, and communities in order to promote all students' learning and development
  • Recognizes and fulfills professional responsibilities and habits of conduct (e.g., dress, language, preparedness, attendance, punctuality, etc.)
  • Demonstrates collegiality, honesty, good judgment, courtesy, respect, and diplomacy
  • Balances self-confidence and assertiveness with respect for others' perspectives
  • Respects the requirements, expectations, and procedures of both the College of Education and of our field partners and appreciates the issues of trust, fairness, and professionalism involved

The following dispositions apply to Special Education majors only:

  • Is receptive to faculty feedback and acts meaningfully and professionally upon suggestions
  • Reflects on his or her own progress, identifies strengths and weaknesses, and evaluates strategies for success and professional growth
  • Takes initiative
  • Is open to new ideas and engagement in learning
  • Respects diversity and cultural contexts to determine how to be responsive to learners and to proactively promote all students' learning
  • Expresses positive attitudes toward individuals with disabilities and a willingness to advocate on their behalf
  • Is committed to collaboration with colleagues, families, and communities in order to promote all students' learning and development
  • Demonstrates professional ethical and legal behavior as defined by the respective codes of ethics and laws
  • Demonstrates consistent professional behavior across all academic settings
  • Maintains appropriate interpersonal and professional boundaries
  • Accepts personal responsibility for one's behavior
  • Expresses feelings and opinions effectively and appropriately
  • Upholds confidentiality

Field Experiences

Each student must complete s field experiences in appropriate settings in conjunction with courses. The field experiences must include a variety of settings, multicultural experiences, and thirty hours upon completion of coursework.  All field experiences must be completed prior to final approval for internship.  Field experience hours should be entered by the student into the FEDS system when completing courses with field experience requirements.

Exercise Science Requirements

Internship is the culminating clinical experience in the student's program. All students must meet the following requirements before applying for internship:

Academic Requirements:

  • Completion of all Liberal Studies and content Exercise Science courses.
  • Overall cumulative GPA of 2.00 or better
  • Meet designated program standards

Clinical Requirements:

  • Completion of all required field experiences
  • Three satisfactory faculty recommendations  
  • Attend mandatory meeting for internship candidates
  • Application for internship, resume, transcripts, and writing sample (check deadlines)
  • Review and approval by Student Teaching Committee of the College of Education

Degree Conferral and Graduation

The awarding of a degree is not automatic. You must submit an application to be considered for the degree. DePaul awards and posts degrees at the end of each regular academic term (autumn, winter, spring, summer).

It is your responsibility to initiate the degree conferral application process by submitting an online application. Submitting an application means you intend to finish your degree requirements by the end of the term for which you have applied.

Undergraduate students must be approved for internship and complete internship and capstone to be cleared for the degree.  Student must submit graduation application for the quarter that matches the quarter in which they complete their internship.

After you submit the application, you cannot register for any term after the one selected in the application.

To apply for degree conferral, log on to Campus Connection. Select STUDENT CENTER, then MY ACADEMICS. On screen instructions will take you through the application process.

Provided that all requirements and financial obligations are met, degrees are posted 30 days after the official end of the term. Official dates are listed on the Academic Calendar.

DePaul holds one commencement ceremony each year in June. If you intend to participate, you must first apply for degree conferral for the current academic year and then submit a cap and gown order. Honors announced at the ceremony for undergraduates are based on winter quarter GPAs because a final GPA is not available at the time of the ceremony. Eligibility for the June Commencement ceremony is limited to individuals that complete the entirety of their program (including student teaching) within the same academic year (prior to the ceremony).

Additional information about degree conferral and graduation can be found on the College of Education website at:

Internship Requirement

Consult with Physical Education faculty members and the office of student teaching for procedures for the internship. The internship experience is done at the very end of the program and requires all coursework for the major and liberal studies to be completed.

Internship: 10 quarter hours required, grade of B- or better require

Registration in internship requires completion of all requirements and procedures above. All students also take KNES 387, Capstone Seminar with the internship (listed in the Liberal Studies section).

  • KNES 380 INTERNSHIP IN EXERCISE SCIENCE (10 quarter hours)

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