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February 2021 Good News in the College of Education

​An articl​e on the leadership programs of OIPL in Chicago Catholic highlighted Dr. Donna Kiel and Sister Mary Paul McCaughey’s work in Chicago’s Catholic schools. Together, Dr. Kiel and Sister Mary Paul McCaughey are developing micro-credentials for Catholic schools. Read more on their critical work here

Meredith Gioia created a “We Are Here for You!” video​ to share with COE students. Great job, Meredith and thank you to all faculty and staff who contributed to the video!

Teacher Education graduate assistant and current doctoral student Erik Parson served as a special associate editor for the Winter diversity-themed issue of the Illinois Reading Council Journal—for which Dr. Roxanne Owens serves as the Lead Editor.

Doctoral student Caitlin Meyer presented at a virtual ICAHSC-21 conference based in Pune, India on January 17. She presented on her paper written for Dr. Melissa Bradford’s class on duoethnography surrounding introversion and extroversion within teacher leader self-efficacy.

Dr. Sonia Soltero was appointed to serve on the Board of Directors of Advance Illinois, an advocacy-policy organization that focuses on access and equity in P-12 public schools, as well as in higher education. The president of Advance Illinois is Robin Steans, who is the daughter of Harrison Steans, benefactor of DePaul’s Steans Center. She joins prestigious fellow Board members that include former IL Governor Jim Edgar, former IL Senate President John Cullerton, current Chancellor of the City Colleges of Chicago Juan Salgado, current President of the Joyce Foundation Ellen Alberding, and Bill Daley (brother of former Chicago Mayor Richard Daley), among others.

Dr. Donna Kiel was a guest on DePaul's podcast series in which she recorded an episode called “Teaching Through the Times” that focused on efforts to help K-12 schools during COVID.

The DePaul University Honors Program newsletter, Honorable Mentions, features a student reflection about an honors course taught by Dr. Mindy Kalchman. Great work, Dr. Kalchman!

At the January 22, 2021 DePaul Innovation Day​, Dr. Hilary Conklin presented her collaborative work with LAS colleague Molly Andolina, “Cultivating Empathic Listening in Democratic Education,” which was funded by a University Research Council grant.