The Catholic School Council emerged in the fall of 2009 from discussions with the principals and presidents of the local Catholic High Schools. To develop a sustained and long-term partnership, the College of Education and the Catholic Partnership Schools needed to find structures, mechanisms and processes to best utilize the partnership and to collaborate more effectively with other units within the university.
The purpose of the Catholic School Council is to support the Vincentian mission and enrich educational and real world opportunities for students in both Catholic schools and DePaul University. The council facilitates collaboration among the Catholic school partners, the College of Education and across the other units at DePaul University for obtaining access to resources and support for schools in addressing real and immediate needs. The council works directly with the schools and selectively identifying needs and strategically formulating plans for all the partners (Catholic High Schools, College of Education and DePaul University) to work toward clear common goals. In addition, the council will work toward better facilitating the many different outreach efforts for Catholic schools throughout the university. In doing so, the council hopes to better match school needs with university resources.
Our Catholic School Council Partners include:
Gordon Tech High School
Holy Trinity High School
Josephinum Academy
Notre Dame High School for Girls
St. Joseph in Westchester