College of Education > About > Centers & Initiatives > BiLD Lab > Our Research

Our Research

Presenters at Conference
Our current research focuses on the development of Spanish as a heritage language and early second language in a Spanish immersion preschool context. We are also conducing research on the development of spoken and written Korean through heritage language schools for children and adolescents. We are especially interested in the language choices students make with each other and with teachers, the development of students’ grammar, code switching, and identity formation as bilingual individuals.

Past Presentations

  • The Gentrification of Bilingualism and Heritage Language Education. Fourth International Conference on Heritage/Community Languages, University of California Los Angeles.
  • Korean Heritage Children and the Linguistic Strategies for Overcoming Low Proficiency. Twelfth Annual Workshop on Immigrant Languages in the Americas (WILA12), University of Helsinki, Finland.
  •  Early Spanish Immersion Education for Heritage and Majority Language Development. International Association for the Study of Child Language (IASCL), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 
  • Linguistic Distance for the Emergent Heritage Speaker: The Case of Korean Heritage Children. National Heritage Language Resource Center’s Twelfth Heritage Language Research Institute, University of North Carolina.
  • Early Second Language Development through an Immersion Preschool Context. Second Language Research Forum, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee.
  • Heritage Language Education in Early Childhood: Impacts on Heritage and Dominant Language Proficiency. National Heritage Language Resource Center’s Twelfth Heritage Language Research Institute, State College, Pennsylvania.
  • Young Heritage Speakers’ Knowledge of Variable Case Ellipsis in Korean. National Heritage Language Resource Center’s Twelfth Heritage Language Research Institute, State College, Pennsylvania. 
  • The Role of Spanish Immersion Education in Heritage and Majority Language Development. Georgetown University Round Table 2020, Washington, D.C. 
  • Bilingualism in Early Childhood: The Impact of Spanish Immersion Education. Opening Minds 2020 Conference. Chicago, Illinois.
  • Language Development and Choice by Emergent Bilinguals in Immersion Preschool Setting. International Symposium of Monolingual and Bilingual Speech, Chania, Greece. 
  • Early Heritage and Second Language Learning in an Immersion Preschool Context. International Symposium of Bilingualism 12, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.

Selected past conference presentations

Bilingual Language and Linguistic Identity Development in Early Childhood

24th International Conference of the International Association of Intercultural Communication Studies, DePaul University

Presentation Deck

Language Choice and Use by Bilingual Preschoolers: Evidence from Spanish Immersion Preschool Context in Chicago

Hispanic Linguistics Symposium, University of Texas at Austin

Early Second Language Learning Through Language Immersion Preschools

Second Language Research Forum, Université du Québec à Montréal