College of Education > Faculty & Staff > Faculty A-Z > kimberly-molnar

Kimberly Molnar

Ki​mberly Molnar is a licensed school counselor and a professional lecturer in the Department of Counseling and Special Education. Molnar received her PhD in Counselor Education and Supervision from The University of Toledo. Her professional experience includes employment as a school counselor in both elementary and junior high, urban settings, as well as experience teaching both school and clinical mental health counselors at multiple state and nationally accredited institutions.

Molnar also has experience providing clinical supervision to graduate students including multiple experiences as a site supervisor to school counselors-in-training. Her research interests include the intersection of school counselors and school-based mental health counselors, as well as parents' issues in counseling. Molnar regularly presents on clinical and research-based topics at the institutional, regional, state, and national levels, and is also involved in service at various levels of the profession.

  • Jacoby, R., Molnar, K., & Falardeau, T. (2024) The 22-25-Year-Old. In Jayne, K. M., & Purswell, K. E. (Eds). A Therapist’s Guide to Adolescent Development: Supporting Teens, Young Adults, and their Communities. Routledge Publishing.
  • Molnar, K., & Tovar-Murray, D. (March 2024). Trauma-informed practice: Working with school-aged children experiencing violence. DePaul University Community Peacemakers Program. Targeted student and staff training. Chicago, IL.
  • Embry, C., Foster, E., Grice, K., Bryan, L., Goldman, M., & Glantsman, O. (May 2024). The joyful Mobius Strip: Teaching insights from the Mindful Engagement Learning Community. DePaul University 2024 Teaching and Learning Conference (virtual).