College of Education > Faculty & Staff > Faculty A-Z > Horace Hall

Horace Hall

Horace R. Hall, PhD is professor in the departments of Teacher Education, Critical Ethnic Studies, and African Black Diaspora. He is also a member of the Society of Vincent de Paul Professors, an organization of faculty whose goal is to enhance the educational mission of the University in ways consistent with its distinctive values around Vincentian personalism, social justice, and service.

Hall is also co-founder and co-director of a youth activist program titled, R.E.A.L. (Respect, Excellence, Attitude and Leadership). Since 2000, its broad mission has been to collaborate with Chicago youth and their families in generating community voice, equity and agency in battling institutional injustices.

  • PhD in Curriculum Instruction and Evaluation, University of Illinois at Chicago
  • BA, Roosevelt University
Courses Taught
Undergraduate Level Courses Taught
  • ISP 200 Multiculturalism in Education
  • SCU 207 Social and Historical Issues in Education
  • SCU 336 Adolescent and Adult Growth and Development
  • SCU 337 Human Development and Growth
  • SCU 339 Philosophy and Psychology of Youth and Middle Level Education
Masters Level Courses Taught
  • SCG 403 Human Development and Learning: Elementary
  • SCG 406 Human Development and Learning: Secondary
  • SCG 408 Education and Society
  • SCG 439 Philosophy and Psychology of Youth and Middle Level Education
  • SCG 451 Doing Critical Practitioner Research in Education
  • CS 591 Curriculum Theorizing
Doctoral Level Courses Taught
  • CS 704 History of Curriculum
  • CS 754 Curriculum Theorizing
  • CS 794 Special Topics-The Education of Students of Color
  • CS 794 Special Topics-The Curriculum of School Security
Research Interests
  • Racialized Geography
  • Institutional Racism and Exclusion
  • Youth/Community Activism and Empowerment
  • Critical Emancipatory Educational Methods

Selected Publications
In furthering his duties and responsibilities as professor and activist, ​Hall has published a number of volumes, such as Mentoring Young Men of Color: Meeting the Need of African American and Latino Males, Understanding Teenage Girls: Culture, Identity and Schooling, Uprooting Urban America: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Race, Class and Gentrification and Always on Lockdown: Police and Discipline Inside Public Schools. His forthcoming edited volume Black Struggle, Hope, and Freedom: Perspectives from the 21st Century Color Line features a range of scholars, poets, activists, as well as youth and adult community organizers, speaking to the impacts of white supremacy, neo-colonialism, and failed economic disinvestment in the lives of Black Americans today.
