College of Education > Faculty & Staff > Faculty A-Z > Christopher McCullough

Christopher McCullough

Christopher McCullough has served in leadership positions in higher education and has served as a faculty member since 2010. McCul​lough contributed to regional and professional accreditation reviews; participated in faculty governance as a department chair, associate dean, and member of a faculty senate; led the development of new academic programs; liaised with PK-12 school districts to enhance partnerships related to pre-service teacher education programs and building- and district-level leadership preparation; and served on numerous faculty, dean, and provost search committees. McCullough also engages in community service as a member of the Bensenville School District 2 Board of Education.

He has facilitated courses related to assessment and data analytics, foundations, research methodology, technology in the classroom, finance in PK-12 and post-secondary education, and capstone courses that provide support for the edTPA prior to and during the student teaching semester at both SXU and RU. He has published research manuscripts in Assessment Update, the Journal of Assessment and Institutional Effectiveness, and the Journal of Scholastic Inquiry: Education. He has presented refereed scholarly papers, research findings, and professional development workshops at national conferences and meetings that include the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE), the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), the Annual Forum of the Association of Institutional Research (AIR), the Annual Meeting of the Higher Learning Commission (HLC), the Annual Conference of the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), and the National Assessment Institute.

  • Ed.D. in Educational Leadership, West Virginia University
  • M.S. in Secondary Education, Marshall University
  • B.S. in Business Administration, Arizona State University
Courses Taught
  • SEC 395/TCH 495 Assessment Issues in Secondary Education
  • MGE 351/451 Assessment Practices in the Middle School
  • SEC 364/T&L 425 Curriculum and Instruction in Secondary Schools
  • A&S 494/A&S 694 School Finance
  • A&S 811 Assessment and Accountability
  • A&S 872 Budgeting and Financial Management in Higher Education

Selected Publications

  • McCullough, C. A. & Larsen, C. (2015). Student achievement impact: Analysis of long-term effects of an urban school-university partnership on student learning. Journal of Scholastic Inquiry: Education, 5(1), 9-23.
  • McCullough, C. A. & Jones, E. A. (2014). Creating a culture of faculty participation in assessment: Factors that promote and impede satisfaction. Journal of Assessment and Institutional Effectiveness, 4(1).
  • McCullough, C. A. & Robinson, L. R. (2014). The role of an institutional-level assessment committee in faculty professional development initiatives. Assessment Update, 26(2).

Selected Presentations

  • McCullough, C. A. & Dew, D. (2018, March). Creating and Supporting a Culturally Responsive Teaching Force. Session presented at the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education Annual Meeting in Baltimore, MD.
  • Randolph, A. & McCullough, C. A. (2015, September). There’s an App for That: Using Student Owned Smart-Devices to Facilitate Experiential Learning in Assessment and Research Courses in Counseling Programs. Session presented at the Annual Assessment and Research Conference in Memphis, TN.
  • Reinhart, J., Zakrzewski, C., Robinson, L. R., McCullough, C. A. & Alderden, M. (2015, June). Flexible Learning Spaces: Digital Age Learning Environments and Redefining the Classroom Space. Session presented at the Annual Conference of the International Society for Technology in Education, Philadelphia, PA.
  • McCullough, C. A. (2015, May). Supporting Assessment: From Intended Learning Outcomes to Evaluation. Session presented at the 2015 Annual Forum of the Association of Institutional Research in Denver, CO.
  • Robinson, R. & McCullough, C. A. (2014, October). Programmatic Assessment in the Department of Communication: Implementing a Locally-Developed Assessment Plan Template and Evaluation Checklist. Workshop presented at the 2014 National Assessment Institute in Indianapolis, IN.
  • Larsen, C. & McCullough, C. A. (2014, April). Student Achievement Impact: Analysis of Long-Term Effects of an Urban School-University Partnership on Student Learning. Scholarly paper presented at the 2014 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association in Philadelphia, PA.
  • McCullough, C. A. & L. R. Robinson (2013, October). Building and Sustaining a Culture of Assessment: Using Survey Data to Strategically Engage the Professoriate in Faculty Development. Workshop presented at the 2013 National Assessment Institute in Indianapolis, IN.
  • McCullough, C. A. & L. R. Robinson (2013, October). Converting Student Owned Smart Devices into Experiential Learning Resources. Workshop presented at the 2013 Teaching Professor Technology Conference in Atlanta, GA.