College of Education > About > College News & Features > News Submission

College of Education News Submission

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Please fill out the form below to submit your accomplishments to the College of Education (COE) News database. This information will be received and reviewed by the Dean's Office staff and may be shared in internal reports and publications, external publications, and on the COE website and social media​.

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Please enter in the names of all faculty, staff, students and alumni involved (including the submitter if applicable) and their affliation. For example:
Joe Smith (student), John Doe (faculty), Mary Smith (staff)

Please write a short blurb detailing the accomplishment. For example: 
"On January 15, Joe Smith (student) and John Doe (faculty) presented at the ABC Conference in San Antonio, Texas. The title of their presentation was..."

If you are sharing about the publication of an article or book, please enter in the citation information below.

If you have a link to the article/book, a link to your conference materials, a press release about the accomplishment or other URL you wish to share, please include it below.

Type the Web address: (Click here to test)  

Type the description: 

If you have a photo image that can be included with the news item, please upload it using the button below. Please include only photos that you have taken yourself or have permission to use.
