
Mental Health in the Classroom

Mental Health in the Classroom

Mental health in children is the development of social-emotional competence and... read more

Developing a Joy of Reading

Developing a Joy of Reading

Reading is critical to learning and critical to life. Reading enables us to enhance our knowledge,... read more

The Bilingual Brain

The Bilingual Brain

Many people acknowledge that knowing two languages is a good thing: you are more likely to get a... read more

The Growing Demand for Quality Educators

The Growing Demand for Quality Educators

Last Spring, media outlets reported that the Hawaii Department of Education, dealing with a... read more

A Case for Teaching Mindfulness in the Classroom

A Case for Teaching Mindfulness in the Classroom

Today’s world is extremely fast paced and holds more distractions than ever before.  Children... read more

Middle School Mindset

Middle School Mindset

In October, 2016, Hollywood is set to release “Middle School: The Worst Years of my Life” –a... read more

Virtual Reality Turns our View of the Classroom Upside Down

Virtual Reality Turns our View of the Classroom Upside Down

Virtual Reality (VR) is bursting onto the commercial market like a freight train. Facebook... read more