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COE Performs Well in US News and World Report Rankings

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The College of Education’s graduate programs performed well in the latest US News and World Report 2022 online programs rankings. The online MA rose over 50 spots to 147th among the more than 1,200 programs surveyed. The ranking noted that this high-quality online program “grants aspiring teachers and educational administrators opportunities to readily interact with their instructors and classmates.” Other dimensions of the ranking include the high regard employers hold for a teacher with a DePaul degree, as well as the program’s technology, flexibility and student excellence. In addition, DePaul was ranked 13th within that category for its program in Educational Administration and Supervision and 37th in programs for veterans.

Assistant Dean for Assessment, Jordan Humphrey, PhD worked with Kristina Walters and Vera Setiawan in IRMA, to compile the information to submit by the January 15, 2022 deadline for the publication's review and ranking. The submission included data specific to student enrollment, completion and retention rates as well as program faculty, admissions and program requirements, and course delivery. The university submission is combined with results of industry surveys to determine the ranking.

Kudos to the College of Education faculty and staff that have put in the effort to make these online programs successful.