College of Education > Student Resources > Student Support > Safety and Equity Concerns

Safety and Equity Concerns

Universi​​ty Tools & Resources

Public Safety
Lincoln Park: (773) 325-7777
Loop: (312) 362-8400
The Public Safety Office strives to maintain a peaceful and safe environment for the students, faculty, staff, visitors and neighbors of DePaul University. Public Safety is on duty 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Office of Institutional Diversity and Equity
The Office of Institutional Diversity and Equity provides resources to effectively coordinate and develop a wide spectrum of DEI services to include a focus on inclusion of a diverse faculty, staff, and student body.

Sexual & Relationship Violence Prevention
Every member of the DePaul University community has the right to safety from the threat of sexual and relationship violence. Grounded in our commitment to valuing the dignity of all people, DePaul fosters a culture of respect and safety by implementing best practices in education, prevention, and holistic support and care.

University Emergency Plan
DePaul University's plan for preparing for, responding to and recovering from campus emergencies.

Health Promotion and Wellness
Health Promotion and Wellness (HPW) provides holistic education, support and resources for individuals to establish and sustain long-term, healthy behaviors.

Student Legal Services
Students who are in need of legal assistance can find resources and referrals on a wide variety of legal topics.